If you have not already created an account for the web site, please click on the “Create an Account” link in the upper left corner of the page.
Enter a unique Username and Password for yourself (please write this down and keep track of it) and click “Sign Up”.
Follow the steps to "Activate" your account.
You will then want to send an email to the with WAHA Webmasters a brief message letting us know that you have signed up at the site. Be sure to include your name, team name, email address, position with the team, and contact number.
If approved, you will then be granted permission to access your team’s home page(s) on the web site. The team’s pages are found under the “Team” section of the site.
After permission has been granted, you will receive a confirmation reply. Then you can login, go to your team’s page and begin editing the content.
When logged in and going to your team’s pages, you will see the “Edit Mode” tab in the upper right corner. You may also click on the “Site Admin" tab on top and then the "My Pages” tab to view a site map. The pages that you have editing permission over will be highlighted.
Click on the “Edit Mode” tab and use the “Page Elements” to edit or add Text, Photos, Documents, Events, News Articles, Links, Contact Info, YouTube Videos, etc.
Please note that your Team pages came defaulted with Roster and Stats pages. These pages default to "Disabled" and are not active until you "Enable" them to make them public. You are able to use these pages at your discretion.
You may also “Add New Pages” under your team’s main page section to organize additional content.
If you need any help with any of the Page Elements, the first step you can take is to scroll down to the bottom of any page and click on the link “Team Sport Technologies”.
TST is the service provider for our site and on their home page; you will see the selection “Support”.
Under the Support section, click on “Frequently Asked Questions”. FAQ’s is an online user’s manual for the Page Elements and editing tools.
Click on any of the selections to learn more.
If the questions that you have are not answered there, please return to the main Support page and submit your issue. Your question or issue will be addressed in a timely manner.